Sunday, July 21, 2013

While My Pretty Ones Knits

The first Black Sheep Knitting Mystery book "While My Pretty Ones Knit" by Anne Canadeo.
Smiled when I saw the UFO description again - second book within a week, but this time I already knew what it means. New addition to the knitting vocabulary is: TINK - knit spelled backwards.... describes stitch(es) that needs to be pulled.... also the name of a dog in the story.
This series takes us to Plum Harbor, Massachusetts - a city with no less than two yarn shops. Maggie Messina, owner of the Black Sheep Knitting Shop suddenly becomes a suspect, when her competitor Amanda Goran is found murdered in the Knitting Nest. The regulars at the Black Sheep Knitting Shop support Maggie and tries to unravel who was behind the murder, but it is a race against time as several things points at Maggie and detective Walsh wants to arrest the murderer soon.
Do not even have to wait for the second book in this series, as nr 5 is already out in stores and the 6th is due January 14th next year :o)

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