Friday, June 3, 2011


Do you remember this car?? Hmmm..... I am talking about the car to the left.... a VW Transporter... :o)

Well I am probably dating myself, but seing a car like that brings me back to my childhood, and I remember occations, where I saw one.  Seing this tent (the car to the right) made by The Monster Factory instantly caused a big smile on my face - it fits 4 people and the price is 299,99£

I think that I know a person who would love getting one of these for his 50th birthday.

By the way, a couple of years ago, I saw the 2009 Brazilian version of the VW Transporter, which is really popular over there. That version is very respectful towards to old version - I just wished that I had captured one of them with my camera.


Karen said...

Oh I love that van. We called them combivans here. A combination van and camper. All the "hippies" had them way back when. Love the tent, it's cute.

Rosemary said...

Aw, I remember those and yes, I more often than not equate them with the hippies too!